Grant Code Name list
This is a the table of the grant codenames for orders at TIC.
Grants List
Nick Name | Award# | Account# | Award ID/Note | Expires | Full Name of Grant/Fellowship |
CHLA | p2009-0028-Li | $2-$$$$-0300 | Award Expired/no labor | 05/31/13 | CHLA Stem Cell Training Grant |
Tumor Cell | HFSP/FRASER/2013 | $2-$$$$-4040 | Masahiro | 12/31/15 | Longitudinal in vivo live imaging of the generation of tumor cell |
Moore | 461K882 | $3-$$$$-2000 | 002436-000000-Thai | 03/01/16 | Tracking Microbial Habitat Transitions Using Single-Cell Transcriptomics |
Moore+ | 461K882 | $3-$$$$-2001 | 002436-000001/no labor-Thai | 03/01/16 | Tracking Microbial Habitat Transitions Using Single-Cell Transcriptomics Satellite |
Face Base | 7U01DE020063-06 | $3-$$$$-3001 | 002474-000001-Le | 04/30/14 | Functional Analysis of Neural Crest and Palate: Imaging Craniofacial Development |
Visdex | 003079-00001 | $3-$$$$-3079 | Jeff | 05/31/15 | Phase Contrast OCT for Non-Invasive Imaging of Retinovascular Disease-NEI award 2R42EY021054-02A1 |
Multiplex | 68D-1093667 | $3-$$$$-0380 | 2033018950-John | 06/30/14 | Multiplex RNA Imaging in Single Cells by Super-Resolution.. Caltech subcontract |
Barcelona | PIOF-GA-2010-27628 | $2-$$$$-6282 | M & S only - Samuel | 07/31/14 | Defining the Biomechanics of the Developing Heart through High-Speed D.. CMR de Barcelona |
Intuitive | 003665-001 | $3-$$$$-3665 | M & S only- Francesco | 12/31/14 | Intra-surgical Augmented Reality with Hyperspectral Imaging and Spectral Phasors Method - Intuitive Surgical |
Updated 02/08/2014